How to Embed All Uploads From Youtube in Wordress Youtube Free Plugin

Looking for plugins to help you integrate your YouTube content into your WordPress? Well, then, you've come to the right place.

It's easy to embed a single YouTube video on your website, but information technology's pretty tricky if you want to display multiple YouTube videos on WordPress at one time. Especially if you're a beginner who doesn't experience comfy with coding.

The skilful news? There are lots of YouTube plugins that tin can help you cross-promote your YouTube videos into your WordPress.

And the best function? Nosotros've handpicked all of them for you lot in this article. So you tin beginning using them to add your YouTube content to your website in no fourth dimension.

Let's dive right in.

1. Blast Balloon Feeds for YouTube Pro

wordpress youtube embed plugin

Desire an easy-to-use tool that can assistance yous create, customize and brandish your YouTube content on your website? Smash Balloon Feeds for YouTube Pro, the best YouTube plugin for WordPress is the perfect solution for this task.

This meridian-rated plugin helps you integrate YouTube channels, videos, playlists, and even galleries on your WordPress.

And since information technology'due south super newbie-friendly, you can use it to add your YouTube content to your site in just a few minutes. Instead of embedding YouTube videos one past one, the plugin lets yous add multiple YouTube videos to your website automatically.

You can easily customize how your YouTube feed looks past just checking or unchecking boxes. No need to tweak code snippets or hire a developer to help you.

The plugin also comes with ready-fabricated layouts to brandish your YouTube videos exactly the way you want them to. Simply choose from four gorgeous options: grid, gallery, listing, and carousel.

Another absurd thing about Feeds for YouTube Pro is that information technology'sautomatically responsive. This means your YouTube videos feed looks crawly on whatsoever device and any screen size.

wordpress youtube embed plugin

The plugin as well helps your live streams reach a wider audience. Since it automatically displays a feed of upcoming or existing livestreams from your channel to your site, you expose your YouTube content to your site visitors who are already interested in your make.

In addition to cross-promoting your YouTube content, the plugin also improves your site's SEO since information technology lets yous convert your YouTube videos into custom post types on your WordPress.

This results in relevant, engaging, and crawlable content on your website — that's regularly updated!

Finally, Feeds for YouTube Pro starts loading the YouTube video actor only when your company engages with your feed. This means much faster loading time for your website since information technology doesn't do autoplay unlike other YouTube plugins on the market.

Go started with Feeds for YouTube Pro today!

2. Smash Airship Social Wall Pro

wordpress youtube embed plugin

Blast Balloon Social Wall Pro is the best social media aggregator for all your social channels.

It lets you easily combine your feeds from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube into a single wall to help you fully integrate social media into your website.

This is especially helpful since yous tin increase your YouTube subscribers by embedding videos from whatever public YouTube channel, playlists, searches, and favorites into your WordPress website.

Plus, with the plugin's help, y'all can boost your followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all at the same time.

As a issue, your social media marketing campaigns go more streamlined across all channels so you tin can establish a more than consequent brand identity when promoting your business online.

wordpress youtube embed plugin

Like other Blast Balloon plugins, Social Wall Pro is also automatically responsive, so information technology looks corkingon both desktop and mobile. Plus, information technology looks great right out of the box since it copies your website's existing design, background color, and font styles.

And if yous want to, you can easily customize your social media feed'southward layout by choosing from 3 dissimilar options: grid, list, or carousel views. Just click on the layout'southward checkbox to choose information technology and relieve your settings to utilize the changes you prefer.

Ready to get Social Wall Pro, together with Custom Facebook Feed Pro, Instagram Feed Pro, Custom Twitter Feeds Pro, and Feeds for YouTube Pro — in a discounted bundle?

Grab your re-create of Social Wall Pro today!

iii. Envira Gallery

wordpress youtube embed plugin

Every bit the best WordPress photograph gallery plugin, you tin employ Envira Gallery'southward video addon to create a YouTube video gallery and display it on your website.

The plugin comes with an easy-to-use drag and driblet builder that lets you create and customize photo and video galleries with just a few clicks. You can add the plugin's widget to your website's sidebar, footer, or other widget-fix areas.

You can besides choose from Envira Gallery's pre-fabricated templates and so you lot tin can personalize how your video gallery looks, without the need to build from scratch.

The great thing well-nigh Envira Gallery? Information technology's not limited to displaying YouTube galleries only. With the plugin'southward help, you can also embed video galleries from other popular video platforms like Vimeo, Wistia, Dailymotion, and more.

Ane thing to continue in heed when using Envira Gallery is that information technology won't automatically fetch new videos from your YouTube channel. Instead, you lot demand to manually add the video URL each time you lot want to update your YouTube feed on your site.

4. YouTube Showcase

wordpress youtube embed plugin

YouTube Showcase plugin allows yous to display your YouTube videos in a gallery layout or grid format on your WordPress website.

After installing the plugin, you tin use its readily available setup assistant to create all the video pages on your website. Then, you need to manually paste the YouTube video ID into each page in your website. And then you lot can integrate your YouTube content into your WordPress.

When customizing each video page, you tin can too choose its video image resolution, autoplay settings, and excerpt.

The plugin also comes with 2 sidebar widgets: a Featured Videos feed widget and a Recent YouTube Videos feed widget. But drag and drop these ready-fabricated widgets to your website'south sidebar area to brandish them on your site.

5. YourChannel

wordpress youtube embed plugin

YourChannel is another newbie-friendly plugin y'all tin utilise to embed your YouTube videos on your WordPress website.

With the plugin's aid, you lot tin brandish your videos in a beautiful playlist that your users can browse and play on the same page.

To get started setting up this plugin, you but need to enter your YouTube username or aqueduct ID. And so, it volition automatically fetch your YouTube content such as contour moving picture, channel name, video details, uploads, and playlists.

You lot have the power to brandish or hide these options simply by clicking or unclicking your choices on the plugin's settings page.

Then, at that place yous have it! Congratulations. Past reading this article, y'all now know the best WordPress plugins to help y'all embed your YouTube content on your website.

What are you lot waiting for?

Grab your copy of Feeds for YouTube hither.

Want to get the 5 highest-rated social media plugins at a discounted price instead? Get started with Blast Balloon All Admission Parcel today.

While you're here, don't forget to cheque out our ultimate list the all-time WordPress plugins.

Finally, if you establish this guide helpful, go ahead and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more useful YouTube marketing tips and tricks.


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