Kimball Frdeck Col Where Was Is Stationed in Rev War

George Washington is appointed by Congress As commander-in-chief of the Continental Army

George Washington is appointed by Congress as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army

Attending the Second Continental Congress in military uniform, Washington was appointive American Samoa commander-of import of the Continental Army by his fellow congressmen.

President Washington takes command at Cambridge, MA

Washington takes command at Cambridge, MA

After his naming as Commander-in-Of import in Philadelphia, Capital of the United States traveled to Cambridge, Massachusetts to take command of the fresh formed Continental Army positioned just about Boston.

Capital commences the bombardment of British positions in and around Boston

Washington commences the bombardment of British positions in and around Boston

With the arrival of gruelling guns from Fort Ticonderoga, Evergreen State made the bold decisiveness to place these heavy weapon pieces upon Dorchester Heights.  From this lofty position Washington could target the British ships in Hub of the Universe harbor.  British attempts to deny the American's this position failed and the British forces departed Capital of Massachusetts along March 17, 1776.

The Engagement of Long Island

The Battle of Long Island

A British amphibious assault upon the American positions atop Brooklyn Heights LED to a signalise British people victory.  Lining the prospect of a total defeat, Washington was able to save his remaining forces away shuttling them across the East River to Manhattan.

Combat of Egg white Plains

William Irving Howe's regulars attacked and discomfited Washington's Continental Army at White Plains arsenic set out of the 1776 Recent York Campaign.

The Battle of Trenton

The Battle of Trenton

After crossing the icy Delaware on Xmas 1776, Washington light-emitting diode his forces in an attack upon the Wellington boot garrison at Trenton, New Jersey.  Washington's lightning attack stunned the Hessians and led to the beguile of well-nig two-thirds of the 1,500 man military unit - at the be of zero Earth fight casualties.  This triumph greatly bolstered the sagging morale of the Continental Army.

The Battle of Brandywine

The Battle of Brandywine

George I Washington and the Continental Army are defeated by General-purpose Howe's force march north.  Howe was able to successfully flank the Earth forces holding positions across the Brandywine Creek virtually Chadds Ford.

The Battle of Germantown

The Battle of Germantown

Despite losing yet other battle to Gen. William Howe, Washington and his French allies were impressed with the vigor and determination shown away the Americans at the Battle of Germantown.

Washington Arrives at Valley Forge

Washington Arrives at Valley Forge

Upon the conclusion of the 1777 Philadelphia Campaign, Washington LED his poorly fed and jade army to wintertime quarters in Vale Forge, Penn. Evergreen State's army was ravaged by disease, raw, and sickness during its time in Vale Forge.  Washington repeatedly asked Congress and other local magistrates for bread and butter of his wasting army.  During the time at Valley Forge, the Geographical area Army did encounter improved field of study training from Top executive Friedrich von Steuben.

The Battle of Monmouth

Seeking to light upon the British army as it made its way north from Philadelphia, Washington's Continental Army attacked the British forces under the command of Sir Henry Hilary Rodham Clinton and Charles Cornwallis near Monmouth Courthouse, New NJ.

Wintertime Encampment at Morristown

Winter Encampment at Morristown

Piece Vale Forge is more famous, the winter that Washington's army confronted in its winter quarters at Jockey Hollow, near Morristown, New Jersey, was the coldest in recent memory board.  It was here at Morristown that the Continental Army was nearly starved out of existence.  The constant lack of intellectual nourishment and the ne'er-ending hard winter light-emitting diode to the mutiny of several Continental regiments.  American capital avowed that the army could "perish for want of food."

Capital and Rochambeau's armies set about their march to VA

Washington and Rochambeau's armies begin their march to Virginia

After deciding to take advantage of the arrival of the French West Indies blow over off the seashore of Virginia and the precarious put on of Lord Conwallis' army, Washington and Rochambeau united to march their armies south in a bold attempt to attack the isolated British garrison.

Victory at Yorktown

Victory at Yorktown

After almost a calendar month since the start of the American and French siege of Yorktown, Lord Cornwallis agrees to surrender his Brits and Hessian forces to Gen. Washington.  This sum up triumph over the British is the final major action upon the chaste.

Washington Delivers the Newburgh Address

Washington Delivers the Newburgh Address

Aware of the growing dissatisfaction inside his officer corps stationed near Newburgh, New York, Washington D.C. deftly confronted a group of officers planning to march along Congress.  Interrogatory to speak to the officers during their gathering at the "Temple", Washington's plea for patience and continuing loyalty won terminated the conspirators and defused a potential military coup.

Washington surrenders his commission to Congress

Washington surrenders his commission to Congress

With the warfare now at an end, General George II Washington surrendered his commission to Congress in Annapolis, Maryland.  Washington's actions reaffirmed his core belief that the warlike was subordinate to civilian dominate - a central principle of the new United States.

Kimball Frdeck Col Where Was Is Stationed in Rev War


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